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Working with you to make a positive impact

Terry Child Support & Youth Resource Centre


Our Children

With 40 children currently living in our GBV Rescue and Recovery, we invite you to meet some of these incredible children and share in their journey of healing.




Our Projects

Terry's is always working to reach out to communities and empower them to access the best quality of life. Here you can read about our community outreach projects and how you can be part of it.



As Terry's is a non-profit NGO, we rely on sponsorships from groups such as H.U.G.S.- Ireland, CORE and also personal donations to provide for our children. All donations or assistance are welcome and highly appreciated.

Terry's Vision

Terry's hosts a Gender Based Violence Rescue and Recovery Centre that provides child survivors with a safe space to heal and reclaim their childhood as we work to create a safer environment for them to go home to.


What we envision is a community that is empowered to support its most vulnerable members and achieve the best quality of life.


We do this through quality and appropriate support that is client-centered. We strive to ensure that the people we support play an active role in our programme design and implementation and therefore have access to appropriate, dignified and sustainable support.


Our objective is to particularly empower orphans, vulnerable children, the youth and other vulnerable groups by providing them with the resources that they deserve in order to lead a better life.

About Us

Terry Child Support and Youth Resource Centre (Terry's) is a national non-partisan,
non-profit NGO with its head office in Machakos County, Kenya.


Founded in 2002 by Reverend Leah, we respond to the plight of vulnerable children who have been denied the opportunity for development due to difficult socio-economic circumstances.

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Contact Us


© 2023
by Terry Child Support

Rev. Leah: +254 712 910 865

Joshua: +254 727 682 083


Along Kathiani Road

P.O. Box 2422, Machakos, Kenya

Our Partners

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